السبت، 27 نوفمبر 2010

Forms of cooperative education

A)the collective learning teams: here the education of members of one group a collective responsibility through the following steps 

  • Teacher organizes students in cooperative groups according to their wishes and inclinations towards the study of a specific problem, and one group consisting of (2-6) of the members
  • Choose individual subjects in the problem and sets the goals, tasks, and distribute it to members of the group.
  • Identify sources and activities and educational materials that will be used
  • Involving members of each group in accomplishing the task entrusted to them.
  • Each group will present its final report to the rest of the groups.

B) shared teams
  • Divides learners into groups completely equal, then the learning material is divided by the number of members of each group being allocated to each member of the group, part of the subject or article.
  • Requests from members of the group responsible for the same part of the all groups meet together at a meeting of experts, to examine and the section dedicated to them and then return to their groups to teach what they have learned.
  • Test  groups individual tests and  the group whose  members get the highest score is winner

C) Teams learning together
  • Learners aim to achieve one common goal, where learners are divided into teams help each other in the duties and tasks, and understand the material in the classroom and outside.
  • The Group provides a report on their work and compete with each other, including its assistance to its members.
  • Groups arranged by  the results of achievement tests and the quality of reports submitted.

I hope to be useful

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