الثلاثاء، 16 نوفمبر 2010

Teaching Your Child Problem Solving Skills

The main cause why some children are aggressive and are "always angry with the world" is that they have no idea how to solve problems. This lack of problem solving skills let kids turn to aggression and disrespectful behavior. One sign that a child does not have the proper problem solving skills is when he tries to solve all his social problems physically.

So whether your child is already an active preschooler or is still preparing for his first day, teaching him problem solving skills will help him cope with the challenges at home and in school. However, you have to realize that the term "problem solving" does not necessarily mean solving a math problem or an assignment.

When you hear experts tell you to teach your children problem solving skills, what they mean is to teach your kids all about emotional coping and learning to cross the stormy waters of childhood, and eventually, life. Parents should teach their children as early as possible how to handle certain situations and what to do about it.

While still young, parents should take the chance to teach their kids how to do things without resorting to aggression or inappropriate behavior. Young children are very prone to tantrums. When things do not go their way, it makes them angry and frustrated and they can get violent. Especially since young children have limited self control, getting into a fit is a very easy thing for them to do.

Anything can set up a child's tantrum. For example, you and your child went to the mall. He told you that he wanted to buy a new toy, but you refused because he already had one on his birthday. But he insists, because this one is the new version. But you still refused, so he begins to get angry and starts screaming.

You are there on the spot, with all the other moms and people at the mall looking at you? How do you help your child work through these issues? Well, there are a few things that you can do to teach your child some problem solving skills.

First, you need to find out what the problem is. Perhaps your child is having problems identifying the cause of his frustrations. As a parent, it will not be that hard for you to know what is going on in your child's life. After he calms down, ask him quietly why he got so mad and then together, help him think why he was so angry.

Help your child come up with alternative solutions and help him weigh the consequences. When your child figures out what is really making him upset, help him think of ways to solve the problem and help him look at all his options and evaluate the potential consequences.

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