الخميس، 18 نوفمبر 2010

What is Algebra

Algebra is one of the three wings of mathematics, the other two being arithmetic and geometry. While most of the common calculations done are though arithmetic and geometry, algebra plays a crucial role in exemplifying the abstract and unknown entity.
Algebra is derived from two words “al-gbr” which is Arabic in origin. Al-Khwarizmi born and brought up in Baghdad the capital of Iraq was a great mathematician and a renowned astronomer of his time around 789 A.D., is known in contemporary mathematics world as the father of algebra. However Babylonian legend promulgates us that the word algebra was in some form present in form of algorithms, linear and quadratic equations were frequently used to calculate the production of grains, position of stars and other forms of estimates. ‘Al-Jabr wa-al-Muqabilah’ was perhaps the first book to be written on algebra in the later stages algebra got due attention from the famous English scientist Sir Isaac Newton in his book Arithmetica Universalis.
Two most famous forms of algebra commonly used are
1) General form of quadratic equation
Ax2 + bx +c=0
2) A,b,c are variables and x is a constant
General form of linear equation
The basic terms used in algebra in the contemporary education system are x,y,z and a,b,c. Algebra uses a number of different sets of equations such as linear equations and quadratic equations.
Algebra uses same standard sets of operational addition multiplication division and subtractions as in arithmetic. However the integer’s multiplications are different and can be comprehended with an example,
Let “a” be a number which has to be multiplied by a negative integer “-b” the outcome will be a negative “-ab”
Similarly a negative integer “-a” when multiplied by a negative integer “-b” the result being a positive “ab”.
The key being a negative and a negative will give a positive result, a positive and a negative will give a negative result and a positive integer when multiplied by a positive one will give a positive outcome.
While dealing with algebraic abstracts all the signs used in arithmetic and geometrical mathematic can be used but for multiplications {[( )]} instead of ‘X’ are used / is for division + for addition and – for sub traction. The entities within the brackets must be solved and opened in the order of hierarchy {[(.
Algebra is extensively used in deriving theorems such as in integration and calculus where dx/dy is one of the popular ones in order to calculate the propagation of numbers.
The algebraic equations find their way not only in the field of mathematics but also in other subjects as well like physics biology and chemistry. In fact all the major equations are based on algebraic formulae and assumptions. For example
E=mc2 the famous Einstein equation is also a product of algebraic assessment.
Algebra is a calculated way to derive equations for different purposes which can calculate the exact outcome from a tiny entity to a maximum infinite entity. In many ways algebra exemplifies a holistic approach to a calculation unlike its other two counterparts which are limited to a lengthy singular derivation process. Algebra cuts short the tedious derivative process of calculation to single formulae where you can just fill up the blanks and derive the actual outcome without going into a much tedious process of derivations.

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