الاثنين، 22 نوفمبر 2010

operations on Fractions: addition &subtractuon

first if the denominators are similar then we just add the numerator

ex : 3/5  + 6/5 
here the denominators are similar then total is (3+6)/5=9/5

ex 2: 12/7 + 5/7=  17/7

ex3:   6/5   - 7/5=   -1/5

second if the denominators are not similar then we should make Unification denominators before make the operation

ex :  3/2 + 5/3 = 
( (6/2)× 3  + (6/3) ×  2  )  /(2 ×3)= ( 4 + 9 ) / 6 = 13 / 6

ex: 5/6 - 7/8 = 
((40/6)× 5 - (40/8) × 7) / ( 6×8)=  ( 48 - 35 ) / 40 =13 / 40

very easy 

mr Hesham

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