there are many ways to adding Fractions with Different Denominators.all of them are about making Denominators similar
to adding Fractions with Different Denominators :
- Find the Least Common Denominator (LCD) of the fractions
- Rename the fractions to have the LCD
- Add the numerators of the fractions
- Simplify the Fraction if possible
example 5/6 + 3/2
determine the greatest common factor of 2 , 6 which is 6
divide the GCF by denominators and multiply by numerator
6/6 = 1 , 1 * 5(the numerator ) = 5 then 5/6 = 5/6 (Least Common Denominator)
6 / 2 =3, 3* 3 (the numerator ) = 9 then 3/2 = 9/6 (Least Common Denominator)
5 / 6 + 3/2 = 5/6 + 9/6 = 14/6 = 7/3
other solution
we can solve this by other easy way ( right if we adding two fractions only)
find the common Denominator by multiply two dominator by each other
2 * 6 = 12
multiply the dominator of the first fraction by numerator of the second fraction and multiply the dominator of the second fraction by numerator of first fraction
6 * 3 = 18 and 2 * 5 = 10 then 18/12 + 10/12 = 28/12 = 7/3
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