الجمعة، 19 نوفمبر 2010

easy way to understand Addition and subtraction

 When we explain the addition and subtraction to a child, in some cases have difficulty in understandingThis is an easy way I use it with the kids give me great resultsI  hope to be helpful to you

We consider the  positive number as profit and consider the negative number as loss

ex : 4 = we gained  4  and  - 4 = we loss 4 

ex : 4 + 4 

here the two number are positive then we gained 4 and 4 then we gained 8 

ex :  -4  +  6  

here   4 is negative (loss) but 6 is positive (profit) then i gained 6 but loss 4 then i gained 2 = +2
ex :  9 - 5

here i have 9 as profit but i lost 5 then i gained 4 = +4 


mr Hesham

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. Dear,hesham

    first your idea about addition and subtraction is
    very effective.but
    also i know u know,let me correct u.
    -4+6=+2 (gained 2),not loss 2
    thanks hesham
    your frind,david

  2. thank you for this correction

    and I wish to repeat your visit
